Top 7 LPN Schools in the Southwest

Here are seven of the most popular LPN programs in the Southwest. Find out about tuition, accreditation, average time to complete, and more.
Top 7 LPN Schools in the Southwest

If you live in the American Southwest and dream of becoming a licensed practical nurse, or LPN, you are in luck. In this part of the country, you can take your pick from dozens of accredited and respected LPN training schools. Whether you live in Arizona, California, Colorado or elsewhere in the southwest, there are sure to be plenty of options in your neck of the woods. By choosing a school that is based out of your state, you will enjoy in-state tuition rates, which are much more affordable than out-of-state tuition rates. Since an LPN school is good if it offers a great LPN program, let's take a look at seven top of these programs in the Southwest.

You don't have to live in a major metro area to have convenient access to LPN programs. In the southwest, they are readily available in more far-flung locales too. While online programs are available, they all include clinical training components that must be completed locally. With this in mind, it pays to choose a reputable program that is located within a reasonable distance of you.

The following seven LPN programs are among the best in the Southwest for many reasons. Each one is properly accredited, and all adequately prepare you to take and pass the NCLEX-PN licensing exam.

Antelope Valley College's Vocational Nursing Program

Popular LVN training school Antelope Valley College is located in Lancaster, California. It's LPN program is completed over the course of 12 months. Tuition for nonresident student is per semester. The program is approved by the Board of Vocational Nursing and Psychiatric Technicians (BVNPT).

Bridgerland Technical College's Practical Nursing Program

Accredited by ACEN, the LPN program at this school is considered to be among the best in the state of Utah. Located in Logan, Utah, the program offers a simple and straight way to gain the credentials that are needed to sit for the NCLEX-PN licensing exam. You must complete 1500 hours to graduate from this program, and this includes clinical training at local health care facilities. The estimated tuition and fees are at the time of this writing.

Summit College's LVN Program

If you live near Colton, California, be sure to check out the LPN program that is offered by the respected Summit College. The school offers very competitive tuition rates for in-state students, so you can complete your training without spending a big fortune. Like all LPN programs, it consists of classroom work, including lectures and labs, as well as on-site clinical training at local healthcare facilities. A hybrid online training option is also available.

Colorado Mesa University's Practical Nursing Program

Located in Grand Junction, Colorado, Colorado Mesa University offers a comprehensive array of degree programs, including a certification for LPNs. If you want to go into licensed practical nursing, earning a degree from this school would be a smart move. Every year, applications for the program, which is very competitive, must be submitted by March 1st. As a resident of the state of Colorado, your in-state tuition rate should be very affordable. Most of your training will occur on campus, but you will have to complete a certain number of hours of clinical training at a local facility too.

Emily Griffith Technical College's Practical Nursing Program

Residents of the metro Denver region who want to become licensed practical nurses should check out the training program that is offered by the popular Emily Griffith Technical College. Located in the heart of Denver, the school offers a program that can be completed in just 11 months. If you are a resident of the state, you'll enjoy in-state tuition. If you want to become an LPN quickly and live in or near Denver, then, this is one option that you won't want to pass up.

Santa Fe Community College's Practical Nursing Certificate

Residents of New Mexico are in luck because some of the state's most popular LPN programs are also among the most affordable around. If you live in or near Santa Fe, for example, the program at Santa Fe Community College is worth your consideration. The tuition for in-state, in-district students is per credit hour regular, while it is for in-state, out-of-district students at the time of this writing. Be sure to check with the school about any prerequisites that you may need to complete prior to enrolling.

New Mexico State University's Licensed Practical Nurse Certificate

Located in Carlsbad, New Mexico, the New Mexico State University offers four-year degrees as well as certification programs. Among the latter, its licensed practical nursing program is very popular. If you are a resident of the state of New Mexico, you will enjoy in-state total cost, which is estimated at for this program. You can expect to spend most of your time attending lectures and the like on campus, but you will also have to complete clinical training at a local healthcare facility.

As you can see, regardless of where you reside in the southwestern United States, there are sure to be plenty of accredited and reputable LPN programs in the area. Start with the list above but keep in mind that this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to LPN programs in the Southwest.

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